Melly Show hosts 2nd Neurodivergent Awareness event

The ADHD Melly Show is hosting its second Neurodivergent Awareness Event on May 1 at the wheelchair-accessible Centre St-Pierre, located at 1212 Panet St. The conference aims to bring together like-minded individuals to connect and learn more about neurodiversity, tools and resources. Panelists, most of whom are neurodiverse themselves, will share their stories and speak about entrepreneurship and workplace accommodations. They include Mathé-Manuel Daigneault, speaking about neurodivergence and gender and sexual diversity; Melissa St-Louis and Fran Delhoume from Kändea consulting; Rola Helou from S.O.A.R; personal coach Nathalie Bertrand; and business consultant Julie Savage-Fournier. Interested individuals can attend in person, where they can enjoy snacks, gift bags and a cocktail, or watch it on livestream. Ticket sales end April 17. A $5 discount is available with the code ‘inspirationsNews’.
More info can be found at
For our coverage of the event’s first edition, visit //, page 11.