EMSB’s first Special Olympics event attracts 80 elementary students

By Sarah Lynch
The English Montreal School Board’s (EMSB) first annual Olympiade in conjunction with Special Olympics Quebec took place on June 7 at McGill’s Tomlinson Fieldhouse. Organized by both the Educational Services and Student Services departments in collaboration with the Centre of Excellence for the Physically, Intellectually and Multi-Challenged, this special event provided an opportunity for students with autism or intellectual disabilities to experience sporting activities in a non-competitive and inclusive environment.
Over 80 athletes in elementary school participated in a variety of activities that were set up and organized by EMSB professionals, consultants and leadership students from Laurier Macdonald High School. The day began by welcoming the excited athletes, who arrived in their school colours, carrying signs and posters.
Parents and EMSB staff celebrated the entrance of each school as they walked around the track during the official opening of the Olympiade.
The athletes participated in different sports and events, such as curling, baseball, basketball, obstacle course, parachute and running races. The day ended with closing remarks and each athlete received a certificate of participation.
A sincere thank you goes out to all of those who dedicated their time to plan, attend, help manage and take part in such a memorable event, as well as to the teachers who took the chance to embark on a new challenge by preparing and supporting their students. The day was a huge success, and we are looking forward to further collaborations to highlight the talents of so many well-deserving athletes.
Sarah Lynch is special education consultant for the English Montreal School Board and coordinator, Centre of Excellence for the Physically, Intellectually, and Multi-Challenged.