David Garfinkle Shares His Courageous Story

Ten years ago David Garfinkle, a successful businessman and elite athlete, was at a staff retreat in Hawaii for his company when he decided to take beginner’s surf board lessons. Tragically he fell in shallow water, waking up from a coma 10 days later in a Montreal hospital with a C4 incomplete spinal cord injury.
He had to accept the fact he’d spend the rest of his life as a quadriplegic. With 24/7 assistance from caregivers and a stoic attitude he is trying to make the best of an enormously difficult situation. On Sunday, February 9 (5:30 pm), he will host a Super Bowl Bash at the vibrant Améa Café at Maison Alcan (1188 Sherbrooke Street West) to benefit the NEF- Neuro-Efficiency Foundation (https://n-eff.ca/), which has as its mission to athletic and recreational services, as well as support and educational programs, accessible and affordable to any individual with a spinal cord injury, also known as a SCI injury.
Eric Boyer is the executive director of NEF. On January 3, 2019 he suffered a terrible alpine ski accident that broke his back, several ribs which pierced his lungs, crushed his aorta and put him in a coma for over a week. Today he is paralyzed with a T7/8 with an incomplete spinal cord injury.
David agreed to share his story with Inspirations Newspaper Publisher Mike Cohen. Here is the video: