Elizabeth Ballantyne Home and School Association

The Home and School Association welcomes all parents who are interested in education. Members work together with the Principal, the Staff, and the Governing Board to provide an enriched school environment, and the best possible school experience for our children.

The Home and School Association is affiliated with the Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations, a province-wide body of parents concerned with educational issues. The Federation has wide representation on various educational committees, but remains independent of government legislative power.

The Home and School Association organizes a number of projects throughout the year such as The Welcoming Programme for new parents and children entering kindergarten, fundraising and special activities such as pizza lunches and and TCBY yogurt days are also sponsored throughout the year .

Extra curricular activities during lunch are run by the Home & School. A fee is charged to cover the cost of an instructor and supplies. These activities do vary from year to year. Information about the activities and the registration procedures are sent home with the student.